What happened to our schools

Britain is changing, our schools are changing and it’s not for the better.

I was dismayed to read a story today that gave statistics that now show 1 in 7 pupils aged 4-11 does not speak English as a first language, which apparently is over 466,000 children – This means that there are almost 600 primary schools where 70 per cent or more of youngsters normally speak a foreign language.

And what was more alarming was the fact that there are now ten schools in England where every single pupil in trhe school does not speak English as their first language.

I thought the government were supposed to be pushing for immigrants who don’t speak English as a first language, to ensure that they learn – after all if you live here full time – shouldn’t you learn our language?

Read the full story here

Coming soon to a court near you …

Stoning, hanging and the repression of women if the so-called leader of the Christian church has his way.

The Archbishop of Canterbury (that bloke who’s allegedly in charge of the well-being of Christians throughout the country) has said there’s no point in standing up to the evil of Sharia law and we might as well give in now and let them do whatever they please. No matter then that we already have our own legal system, laws and ways of doing things, we’ll just ignore hundreds of years of history in the usual attempt to appease the hatemongers who shout the loudest.

Once upon a time, we used to have spirit, fire, backbone. We were a country that stood together whatever was thrown at us. These days, we’re just a sad bunch of appeasers who spend far too much time and energy on the wasters, the apologists and the crooks to have any regard for the majority.

The ArchTraitor said Muslims should be allowed to have their own laws and do things their own way as we need to “face the fact” that some Muslims don’t relate to British laws.

There’s a simple answer of course – if you don’t like British law, sod off somewhere else. Perhaps the ArchTraitor would like to taek this Anti-British contingent and clear off somewhere were we don’t have to hear their whining voices. That way the Church of England could elect a reasonable head who speaks for it’s followers, rahter then appointing some loon who wants to give it all away.

THE Archbishop of Canterbury handed al-Qaeda a victory last night by saying the introduction of Sharia law in Britain is inevitable.

In an explosive outburst Dr Rowan Williams, the country’s top Anglican, said there should be one set of rules for Muslims — and another for everyone else.

He maintained it was WRONG for followers of Islam to be forced to choose between “the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty”.

Instead he said the country must “face the fact” that some Muslims do not relate to the law in Britain.

The 57-year-old insisted we accept aspects of Sharia law with a “constructive accommodation” in areas like marriage so Muslim women would not have to use British divorce courts.

He added: “It seems unavoidable.”

Dr Williams’ extraordinary claim is a huge propaganda coup for extremists plotting to end centuries of the British way of life.

And it was roundly condemned from all quarters last night.

Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, branded his outburst “muddled and unhelpful”.

He said: “As far as I am aware no serious body of Muslim opinion supports the idea of special treatment or exemption from the law of the land based on some vague ‘conscientious objection’.

“Raising this idea will give fuel to anti-Muslim extremism and dismay everyone who is working towards a more integrated society.”

He went on: “His implication that British courts should treat people differently based on their faith is divisive and dangerous. It risks removing the protection afforded by law, for example to children in custody cases or women in divorce proceedings.

“There is a fundamental principle that when you appear before a court in Britain you appear as a citizen, equal to any other and you should be treated equally to any other. There can be no opt outs.”

Paul Dadge, famously pictured helping masked 7/7 victim Davina Turrell, 24, was left stunned.


The 31-year-old former fireman, of Cannock, Staffs, said: “The Archbishop’s remarks are unhelpful. I am proud to be British and find the idea that Sharia law would ever become part of British law incredible.”

Mary Burke, 50 — who survived the King’s Cross bomb on July 7 2005 — said: “Britain is a Christian country and should stay a Christian country. I don’t want Islamic law here and I believe most of the British public agree with me.”

Dr Williams’ intervention was also savaged by former Home Secretary and Sun columnist David Blunkett.

He said: “The Archbishop’s remarks are not only inflammatory they are dangerous. There will be a backlash of which he appears to be oblivious.”

PM Gordon Brown made it clear a two-tier legal system was totally unacceptable.

His official spokesman said: “The Prime Minister believes British law should apply in this country, based on British values.”


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Culture Secretary Andy Burnham said Dr Williams was “wrong”.

He added: “You cannot run two systems of law alongside each other. That would be a recipe for chaos.”

Muslim Labour MP Khalid Mahmood was outraged.

He said: “This is the sort of woolly thinking that gets people into trouble. This sort of talk makes people think Muslims want to separate themselves from the rest of the community and be treated differently. The truth is most Muslims do not want Sharia law.”

Dr Williams spoke out in an interview with BBC Radio 4’s World at One.

He did stress he opposed the extreme elements of Islamic law — including stoning and whipping — but went on: “There is a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law as we already do with aspects of other kinds of religious law.”

His comments were welcomed by some Muslims.

Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Ramadhan Foundation, said: “Sharia law for civil matters has been introduced in some western countries with much success. I believe Muslims would take huge comfort from the Government allowing civil matters being resolved according to their faith.”

From The Sun

Maternity units turn away British mums as immigrants’ baby boom costs NHS £350m

Yet another example of how this government’s policy of immigration is destroying our country.

From the Daily Mail

Maternity wards are being forced to turn away expectant mothers because they cannot cope with soaring demand from immigrants.

One hospital even had to shut its maternity ward for two months because its staff were needed elsewhere to deliver babies from foreign-born mothers.

An investigation has found the cost of providing maternity services for immigrants has more than doubled in only a decade to £350million a year.

But the Government has massively underestimated the scale of the problem, and last year the number of midwives actually fell for the first time since Labour came to power.

According to an investigation by the BBC’s Ten O’Clock News, one baby in eight was born to an immigrant mother in 1997.

Now, the figure is almost one in four.

Can our government not see that by letting all these immigrants in, our country is now crumbling under their weight? Are they so busy trying to find ways to hide the money they keep getting given (but know nothing about!), that they miss the fact that British people, who were born here are simply being pushed aside in favour of the ‘new kids’.

Enough is enough – this HAS TO STOP NOW.

And YOU – the hard working taxpayer – have no choice but to pay for this…

From The Telegraph

While the number of babies born to British mothers has fallen by 44,000 a year since the mid-1990s, the figure for babies born to foreign mothers has risen by 64,000. The overall birth rate is at its highest level for 26 years.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed in 2006 there were 15,000 more Eastern European babies born here than a decade earlier, 11,000 more babies from the Indian sub-continent and 8,000 extra babies from African-born mothers.

In parts of London, seven out of 10 babies are now delivered to mothers born overseas. London’s chief nurse, Trish Morris-Thompson, admitted the NHS had not realised how immigration would affect maternity services.

“The timing of the impact is much quicker than we had anticipated”, she said.

Today’s headlines

It’s staggering, I’m not even going to post the stories today – just a selection of headlines that can be found in today’s newspapers:

Why is it such a major issue for Muslims not to have prayer rooms – do you ever hear of Christians, Jews or Catholics asking for a place to pray at work?

This is just a few of the annoying things out there today. When are we going to get a prime minister with a spine?

Another reason to loathe the EU

According to the Daily Mail, gypsies from Eastern Europe are trafficking hundreds of children into Britain to act as thieves as part of a scheme that nets them more than £1 billion a year, which is syphoned off “home” to transform poor villages into wealthy places to live.

As one would expect the current “government” is doing next to bugger all about the situation and we can expect them to start offering the Gypos cash incentives pretty soon – it’s all they ever seem to do.

No-one seems to have the balls to point out that immigration isn’t working, it’s actively harming the indiginous population of the country and it should be stopped now before we completely lose control of what used to be known as “Great” Britain.

Fagin-style criminal gangs from Romania are making vast amounts of money from trafficking children into Britain to work as pickpockets and beggars, it is revealed today.

The money amassed by the gangs is being funnelled back to Romania, often to build lavish homes back for the gang members, the Daily Mail has discovered.

The revelation comes as police staged a dramatic series of dawn raids yesterday in a campaign to stamp out the trafficking of Romanian slave children smuggled into Britain.

Many of the youngsters watched in terror from bedroom windows before being carried away. Ten children were taken into care.

The journey from Romania to Britain has become one of the most lucrative moves for those leaving Eastern Europe.

Many of those making the 1,500-mile trip are Roma gypsieswho have embarked on a life of crime in the UK.

Much of the money they make is sent back home, transforming villages where once horses and carts were the only form of transport, into places with expensive cars and glitzy mansions.

Hundreds have settled in Slough – just a £3 bus journey to London Victoria Station.

By the end of May last year 88 Romanian gipsy children, apparently without children, had turned up at the town’s civic centre.

Yestewrday 24 suspected “controllers” were arrested on suspicion of human trafficking and running a “highly-organised” theft business involving up to £1billion a year. The youngsters ranged in age from less than one to 17.

Many such children are made to travel to central London every day and carry out crimes including pickpocketing, credit card cloning and distraction thefts targeting commuters and tourists.

Their “takings” are sent back home – to Romania.

The money is transfoming villages where horses and carts were once the only form of transport into places with expensive cars and glitzy mansions.

Almost 400 officers were involved in the raids yesterday on rundown properties in Slough, Berkshire.

But detectives said the operation was only the start and predicted more raids to tackle the dramatic increase in street thefts and petty crime since Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU 12 months ago.

Officers wearing body armour and supported by dogs screamed “police, police, police” as they used sledgehammers to smash through doors of gang members.

“The objective was to disrupt and detect criminal offences in relation to organised crime networks in Romania, which represents itself in an upsurge in crime in London,” said Commander Steve Allen, who led the operation.

“We have taken to safety children who may have been bought into the country to commit crime.

“The background starts a year ago with the addition of Romania and Bulgaria into the EU, when it became clear there was quite a dramatic increase in theft from the persons around central London.

“It became clear we weren’t talking about low-level crime, but one end of a highly-organised network which involved, most seriously, the trafficking of children.

“This operation is about protecting vulnerable people, about providing reassurance to all members of the community and bringing to justice the members of serious organised crime.”

Commander Allen said the number of Romanian criminals known to them in central London rose from 12 in 2006 to 214 last year after the expansion of the EU.

He estimated that each active Romanian criminal makes about £100,000 a year, most of which is channelled back to his home country. The cash is used to fund luxury cars and homes.

The Romanian crimewave led to 700 more thefts in central London in 2007 than the previous year, he added.

The criminals have been using cheap rented properties in the Slough area as a base. At one address, police found 12 adults and eight children crammed into a small three-bedroom house.

Commander Allen believes there is more than one gang involved, and many more trafficked children still to be found.

He said: “The reason we targeted Slough is because that’s where the intelligence this time has led us. We have other intelligence available to us that would take us into other parts of London.”

Last night the freed children were being cared for by Slough Borough Council. Officials said attempts would be made to reunite them with family either in the UK or in Romania.

The adults arrested are also accused of breaches of immigration rules, deception, fraud and theft. Many were understood to be romany gipsies.

Large sums of cash and credit cards were also seized.

One of the offences associated with the gangs are so-called deception crimes. A popular trick involves a gang member asking for directions with a London Underground map while another steals a handbag or a mobile phone.

The leader of Westminster City Council, Sir Simon Milton, praised the arrests and said Eastern European gangs were behind an “unprecedented surge” in pickpocketing in Westminster.

He added: “The Government has been talking tough on crime, but it is about time it started following its words with actions and start forcibly removing those foreign nationals involved in criminal behaviour.

“We know from intelligence that many of the individuals arrested by police today have been convicted previously, which is simply unacceptable and cannot be allowed to continue unchecked.”

From the Daily Mail