Reviled for doing nothing … or something …

Today, I am officially confused and bewildered. By all accounts 14 British Muslim advisers have warned the Prime Minister that Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip had prompted “acute levels of intensity” in what is described as “their” communities (my first point of contention, I rather stupidly thought this country was one big community, I stand corrected).

Furthermore, the dire warning is that if Britian doesn’t act to change the US stance on military operations in Gaza there will be a violent Islamic basklash in the UK.

So, here’s my confusion; we’re despised and reviled for intruding in the affairs of Islam in Iraq and Afghanistan but when we decide to keep our noses out of things that don’t concern us we’re accused of not caring. Either way, someone representing said religion seems to want to kill us.

It’s a foregone conclusion that the Prime Jester will involve us in this religious ruck at some point in time – after all, Tony had a war of his own and the chance to divert attention from the, frankly, risible attempts to stop the ecomony from collapsing must be mouth-wateringly tempting.

Perhaps we could even print a few quid and send it over as a token of our esteem, though, being British, we’d have to give to both sides equally and that result in bad blood with the side that gets a fiver less than the other.

If this was 60 years ago we’d be wearing tin hats and sheltering in the underground, thanks to a wide variety of religious nutters, even that’s not safe these days…

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