Thank you Popbitch

We are recipients of an email that is sent weekly called Popbitch. It’s mostly humorous gossip about celebrities who have usually been up to no good and don’t want you to know about it – the stories come from insiders and usually don’t make the news – however they also publish a few funny snippets here and there.

Today’s email had this – which just made me laugh:

>> Hitler v Brown <<

Pointlessly random comparison thingy

As we reel from Gordon Brown telling us he’s saved the world, and from countless commentators comparing the here and now with the 1930s,here’s a handy comparison chart between our PM and… Adolf Hitler.

* Adolf Hitler was once a chancellor
Gordon Brown was also chancellor

* Adolf Hitler only had one ball
Gordon Brown only has one eye ball

* Hitler was born on the 20th (of April)
Brown was born on the 20th (of March)

* Some people thought Hitler was gay
Some people gossiped that Brown was gay

* Adolf Hitler was in power during a recession
Gordon Brown is in power during a recession

* Hitler was known for his tantrums and sulks
Brown has been known to go into tantrums and sulk

* Hitler was born in Austria and became leader of the parliament in Germany
Brown was born in Scotland and became leader of the parliament in England

* Hitler’s name said backwards is reltih floda
Brown’s names said backwards is equally meaningless